Ethan Frome Chapter 1 Summary
Ethan Frome Chapter 1 Summary Ethan Frome is a novel written by Edith Wharton that explores the tragic life of a man named Ethan Frome in the fictional town of Starkfield, Massachusetts. The story is narrated by an engineer who is seeing Ethan Frome for the first time and is intrigued by his mysterious and gloomy appearance. The chapter begins with the engineer arriving in Starkfield and seeing the old and worn-out surroundings. He is told that Ethan Frome is the man in town who has had the most tragedies. Image: Ethan Frome, Chapter 1 As the narrator approaches Ethan Frome's house, he notices the oppressive atmosphere surrounding it. The house is small and dilapidated, with snow piling up against its sides. Inside the house, the narrator is introduced to Ethan's wife, Zeena, who is described as a sickly and bitter woman. The narrator also observes Mattie Silver, Zeena's cousin, who is a young and lively girl. Image: Ethan Frome Zeena Quotes The chapter progresse...